Tuesday, August 18, 2009

William Lewis is killing it!!

Our good friend William Lewis (represented by Red Model Management http://www.rednyc.com/) or like we like to call him "Willy" has become quite the model icon of his time...he already has under his belt severl campaigns, and not to mention the latest Diesel Campaign who has just came out in every fashion magazine known to man.

The cool thing is Will is a laid back guy, he loves to ride his bike (bmx) yes he is into extreme sports, and just like to chill with his friends...when he is not in the studio shooting or at some runway somewhere around the world, Will also likes to do the computer thing, oh yes! he is a technological geek...and quite the good one, he happened to fix our servers quite some times...

Keep an eye on this guy, he is not done yet, we expect a lot more from him!

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