Hey guys! :) Well first of all I’d like to thanks SOMW to give us the opportunity to express ourselves, to feel free to tell even the tiniest details about models world and to share our experiences ..
I’ll start by introducing myself I’m a north African girl raised in Tunisia green eyed with a Mediterranean skin and I’m studying Industrial design I hope that I’ll be a good designer ! .. well to be honest I’ve never been a super skinny girl and very tall as the majority of models but I was so satisfied with myself I find my little curves so hot and sexy and we all know that in modeling world curvy girls are kind of cursed LOL I’m 5’7 height and my measurements are 90-72-93 so I’m considered as a commercial model I worked as photo-model for photographers, hair and make up artists and also as bridal model .. to be honest I was tempted several times by people from the industry to loose weight that I could become a runway model, you know to have international measurements but I love so much Nutella and Pizza that I could easily give up LOL !
I’m against torturing myself for fame or whatever, modeling is really interesting when we know how to behave in this industry ! no girl deserve to be treated as a shit .. Models are human beings they deserve to be treated well and they have rights ! and personally I feel sorry about every girl who takes drugs and does inappropriate things to be accepted in the modeling world it’s just unfair you don’t have to make of modeling a sickness if you have the profile to become a model it’s good for you and if you don’t have it it’s good for you too , there are many divisions in modeling it has commercial models, runways models , body parts models and even plus size models wich is very good so don’t make yourself hungry till death to become a model don’t let fame and money blind you coz’ nothing worth the LIFE !
Personally I’ve decided to have a break this year I’m focusing on my studies I’d like to have good marks that I could accomplish my studies in Paris like I planned so don’t give up your studies try to do both modeling and studies it’s so good to be a cultivate model let’s fight the cliché of “models are stupid girls “ coz’ it’s not true ! and nowadays we are livin’ in a “internet world” so be careful of creepy people who pretend to be scouts and agents or even modeling agencies owners ( talkin’ about creepy people sorry Rogelio if I doubted about you LOL I tortured him with my questions LOL ..) besides of modeling I do paintings and Violin , I’m also thinking to be a member of a theater club I love acting too and I love learning languages I speak Arabic my native language ,French, English ,and Spanish I love to say “que caliente” ( becoz’ to me everythin’ sounds sexier in Spanish LOL :) so whoever you are you’re reading this I’ll tell you : “Don’t give up your dreams but be realistic and let it be ! “