Entertaining and informative interview by Amna (SOMW) with the professional Make Up artist based in NYC “ Liset Garza” .
SOMW : Hello Liset ! Tell us about yourself and if you attended school or you’re a self taught make up artist ?
Liset: I just recently moved to NY from Los Angeles. I did attend school at MUDD in Burbank.
SOMW : At what point in your life did you realize you wanted to be a make-up artist and why? Anything special that inspired you ?
SOMW : What steps have you taken to get into the fashion industry ?
Liset : Some steps are testing with Photographers, networking with other artist and the biggest step I had made is moving to New York. The talent here is incredible and love being part of it.
SOMW: What is your favorite thing about your job?
Liset : The people I get to work with mostly.
SOMW : Is there anyone that you hope to work with in the future?
Liset : (smiles) being in Dick Page's team for fashion week.
SOMW : Is there anything you want people to know about you? Professionally or Personally?
Liset : I am a bit shy but I get the job done.
SOMW : what feature(s) do you like to accentuate .
Liset : I love eyebrows you can change a woman's futures by something as simple as a eyebrow.
SOMW : what are the difference between applying make up on model and on real woman ? ( laughing)
Liset : ekkk... models don't ask to many questions when you apply there make up as real woman do. (laughs)
SOMW : you , most of the time work with models right? Have you ever had an unpleasant experience with a model ?
Liset : no, not yet. let's knock on wood about that.
SOMW : what was you best experience working as a make up artist ?
Liset : Seeing your work on a magazine for the very first time.
SOMW : What do you think about SOMW ?
Liset : I think its wonderful and its very informative. Thank you for having a site like this
SOMW : Well thank you Lizet for this lovely interview . SOMW wishes to you the best of luck !
by Amna B