Thursday, July 1, 2010

A must read interview with the gorgeous “Hannah Sobisky” by Amna Bou-Azza

SOMW : How did you get into modeling? Tell me how and when everything started ?

Hannah: I started getting approached by scouts a lot around the age of 13. I met Erin Olson of Echo Models a friends BBQ when I was 14. She introduced me to DNA Models in New York and I signed with both agencies and things have taken off since then.

SOMW : Now that you're signed with DNA do you believe that Echo models made things easier for you and helped you to get into such a well known agency ?

Hannah : Echo Models definitely helped to make everything a smooth transition. Erin is very careful and concerned about her models. She is knowledgeable in the business which is huge. People in the industry trust her and respect her.

SOMW : Did you always know that you wanted to be a model?

Hannah : I never really thought a whole lot about becoming a model until I started getting approached.

SOMW : If you hadn't become a model, what would you see yourself doing?

Hannah : If I hadn't become a model I would definitely see myself continuing my dance career.

SOMW: Who’s your favorite model if you have one ?

Hannah : I don't really have a favorite model as of yet.

SOMW : How do you spend your days Hannah ?

Hannah : Besides school, I spend my days dancing, hanging with friends, reading, and being with my family

SOMW : What has been your best trip as a model? Is there anywhere you would like to travel that you
haven't been to yet?
Hannah : My best trip so far is definitely New York. Every time I go I learn more and more about how to improve. I eventually want to travel all over the world. But I want to take it slow. I want to enjoy being a teenager too. I am about to go to Paris this summer to model with Viva agency. I am so excited to go and learn and work.

SOMW : How do you feel about the media trying to influence the perception of models and their 'ideal'

Hannah : I don't like that the media has such a strong influence on body image. I do understand the need to advertise and sell things, and you want to use people who make the product look good. But I also think that we don't have to fall into the ideal image trap. Thanks to good genes and my family, I have usually had a positive body image. But I am not perfect either. I know I will be told I am either too tall, or too thin,or not thin enough, or not soft enough or too soft by certain clients or jobs. I won't get every job I go out for. But I have a responsibility to remember that I am still good enough inside and that is all that matters in the end. I hope other teenagers can learn and understand that as well.

SOMW : Do you have a secret that you can share with us ? (laughing)

Hannah : A secret that most of my friends don't know about me is that I still love to watch the princess Disney movies every once in a while. I guess I am still a little girl at heart.

SOMW : What do you enjoy the most about the modeling world ?

Hannah : What I enjoy most about the modeling world is the powerful feeling of walking down a runway and the fun you can have behind the camera. I love photo shoots

SOMW : Who's your favorite designer ?

Hannah : I have so many favorite designers but the 2 that stand out to me are Renzo Rosso of Diesel and Betsy Johnson. I love the funky but casual style of Renzo and the quirky yet beautiful style of Betsy.

SOMW : What would you like to be known for at the end of you fashion career?

Hannah : I would like to be known for 3 things:
-Being an amazing runway model -Being an example to other women by being as modest and appropriate as I can in an industry that doesn't always want that -And last but not least, I would like to be able to help other teens learn to love themselves no matter what body type they have and to learn to let their inner beauty shine through.

SOMW : what do you think about SOMW ?

Hannah : Well I haven't known too much about SOMW until now but if these are the kinds of interviews and information people will be able to get from it, I am definitely all for it. How exciting! Thank you for being interested in my answers and in me.

SOMW : Thank you Hannah! And thanks for the amazing pictures , SOMW loves you too ! All the best for your career!

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