Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Featuring: Michael Wildes...our rockstar Lawyer!!

Oh yes...we are proud, honored and excited to let you all know Mr. Michael Wildes is our newest contributor for SOMW, this guy has quite a resume and story to tell...

You have all heard of Gisele Bundchen and Heidi Klum right? Well do you know how they got to stay in the USA? Because they have Michael backing them up...that is right he is THE Immigration Lawyer of the Fashion and Entertainment industries.

He started as a lot of kids start, following his fathers footsteps...do you know who his father is? well...you OF COURSE know about John Lennon...well guess what? THAT IS RIGHT...his father Mr. Leon Wildes... took care of Immigration Laws for him, as his lawyer he got him his green card and made sure he could stay in the United States...

Now...we are fortunate enough to announce he is backing us up...and of course all our readers and members of the SOMW family...so if you need anything, give him a holla...he will take care of you, just let them know you are part of SOMW and let him do the hard work...

Now we asked him 5 simple questions so you can get a feeling of how cool he is and how he is actually the best out there...

SOMW: Who are your favorite (fashion/model) client to work with?

Michael: The cases for Miss Universe 2008 and 2009 are my favorites, as there are interesting issues of acclaim and differentiating between the artistic and the business facets of the cases.

SOMW: Is it dangerous to work with a tourist visa?

Michael: If by dangerous you mean illegal, the answer is resounding YES, SI, OUI, DA, JA, HAI and SIM. It is unlawful for a foreign national to accept compensation for services performed in the United States while in the country in a visitor visa status. There are some serious repercussions for working unlawfully in the Unites States, ranging from deportation to a permanent ban from re-entry.

SOMW: What services do you provide for models and other fashion/entertainment individuals?

Michael: Work/Family visas, Green Cards and Citizenship.

SOMW: What do you love about the fashion and model industry?

Michael: (starts laughing) Attractive women...and there is usually food left at the buffet...just joking just joking (laughs out loud)...

SOMW: Where can our readers find more information about you?

Michael: Visit: www.wildesweinberg.com, you can email us at: info@wildeslaw.com and of course at our SOMW page: http://www.somw.org/model-services/michaelwildes/

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